Français / English


Ayani conçoit et aide à la mise en place de fonds d'investissement et d’impact social. L’expérience du cabinet s’étend de la conception à la mise en œuvre, de la gestion à la sortie, en passant par la coordination des investisseurs pour un renforcement des compétences de ces fonds de financement.

Ayani apporte une connaissance profonde des meilleures pratiques en matière d'investissements commerciaux et de fonds de subvention.

Ces meilleures pratiques incluent:

- L'utilisation d'outils adaptés au marché (par exemple: une combinaison dette/fonds propres/quasi fonds propres)

- L'alignement de la structure financière avec la transaction souhaitée et le calendrier de sortie

- Le lien entre l'investissement et le support technique (y compris par le détachement de postes de direction)

- Les systèmes de gestion pointus permettant de faire face à un volume de transactions plus important ou de valeur moins élevée


L'expérience d'Ayani en matière de conception et de gestion de fonds comprend:

- L'étude de marché et de faisabilité

- La détermination de l'orientation stratégique par la modération du dialogue entre les parties prenantes

- Le développement de programmes et l'identification d'une gamme appropriée de produits et de services

- La définition d'instruments de financement stratégiques et efficaces

- L'aboutissement d'une vision partagée entre les parties prenantes

- La rédaction des politiques et des procédures à suivre

- Le développement d'outils de gestion et de suivi pour faciliter le reporting ultérieur

- L'établissement des fonds / fonds fiduciaires, y compris la composition et le coaching du conseil d'administration

- La gestion, l'exécution et le contrôle des activités du fonds


Pour en savoir plus sur le travail d'Ayani dans ce domaine:

Feasibility study for the microfinance challenge fund in Rwanda

AFR commissioned a study to explore the various options available for a second phase of the Microfinance Challenge Fund. Ayani conducted the study that elaborates the business case around the two-component program, namely an MFI capacity building fund within AFR and an MFI investment fund.

The MFI Investment Readiness Fund focused on institutional strengthening and the development of robust systems within MFIs. The main aim of the fund was to develop MFIs to the stage where they were ready to take on external investment. The MFI Investment Fund was set up as a separate entity and attracted capital from investors who were interested in supporting the MFI sector in Rwanda (the social return), while making an acceptable financial return on their capital.

Agricultural finance fund management in Mozambique

Ayani is responsible for the establishment, technical oversight and management of PIOTAF, a $2.1 million challenge fund focused on agri-finance.

This entails managing the challenge fund, establishment of policies and procedures, establishment of the legal structure, identifying FSPs, supporting the design of technical projects, recommendations for funding, identification and management of technical service providers and ensuring linkages with other value chain development activities.

Feasibility study for the microfinance challenge fund in Rwanda

AFR commissioned a study to explore the various options available for a second phase of the Microfinance Challenge Fund. Ayani conducted the study that elaborates the business case around the two-component program, namely an MFI capacity building fund within AFR and an MFI investment fund.

The MFI Investment Readiness Fund focused on institutional strengthening and the development of robust systems within MFIs. The main aim of the fund was to develop MFIs to the stage where they were ready to take on external investment. The MFI Investment Fund was set up as a separate entity and attracted capital from investors who were interested in supporting the MFI sector in Rwanda (the social return), while making an acceptable financial return on their capital.

Aurora fund management in Sierra Leone

Aurora Foundation engaged Ayani to support its development activities in promoting livelihood and employment creation in Sierra Leone, through a fund that would work through financial institutions to finance growing MSMEs.

Ayani created a pipeline and undertook a due diligence of potential investees, as well as assisted in the fund’s loan documentation once investments were approved by Aurora. Ayani also conducted monitoring of the fund’s investments, provided ad hoc advisory services and reported on the performance of investees.

With Ayani’s close monitoring and specific advice, the investor agreed to disburse when it was most needed during the Ebola epidemic.

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