Français / English


Grâce à son vaste réseau de consultants, Ayani permet à un grand nombre d'organisations en Afrique, en Asie, en Europe de l'Est, en Amérique Latine et au Moyen-Orient d'améliorer la performance de leurs projets, et d'accroître considérablement leur portée auprès des groupes mal desservis.

Plus précisément, cet appui consiste à:

- Développer une vision commune avec des objectifs et des cibles quantifiés

- Planifier les moyens d'accroître la portée et l'impact des interventions en finance inclusive

- Gérer les différents flux de travail pour concrétiser la vision d'entreprise

- Opérationnaliser les stratégies pour mieux servir les segments à faible revenu


Les services d’Ayani liés à la conception et à la gestion de programmes incluent:

- L'identification des besoins en assistance technique

- La sélection, l'intégration, la formation et le placement de personnel qualifié

- Les services de coaching sur le terrain et de renforcement des compétences

- L'engagement et la communication avec les parties prenantes

- Le développement de procédures de contrôle de qualité

- La gestion du changement

- Le suivi et le reporting


Pour en savoir plus sur le travail d'Ayani dans ce domaine:

Rural- and agrifinance enhancement programs in Uganda & Kenya

The East African Development Bank (EADB) manages two credit lines with the objective of improving access to sustainable and demand- driven medium to long term finance to small and medium sized commercial farmers and in SMEs in the agricultural sector in East Africa through selected partner financial institutions. In this ongoing project (through 2020),Ayani provides facility management (including the Team Leader and Technical Backstopping) as well as training and regulatory experts.

Present technical support packages include:

  • Training and capacity building for a microfinance-oriented bank to introduce financing for SMEs in agricultural value chains
  • Introduction of an agricultural risk profiling system for two commercial banks
  • Introduction of Environment and Social Management and Social Performance Management practices to four commercial banks
  • Skill building in wholesale lending to EADB.

Youth financial education training followed by BDS & TVET program design in Sierra Leone

Under its Youth Employment and Empowerment Program, UNDP has facilitated the establishment of BDS Centers that provide business management training, skills training, internship opportunities and business advisory services to youths who are planning to expand existing small businesses or start a small business. UNDP partnered with selected NGOs as implementing agencies to establish five BDS centers in Freetown (Western Area Urban), Newton (Western Area Rural), Bo, Kenema and Makeni. In association with this program, in 2013 and 2014, Ayani provided week-long trainings to youth on financial and nonfinancial services, leading to participants’ increased awareness of financial decision-making, money management, existing financial products and services available to them, and how to use them.

In 2016, based on the success of the first assignment, UNDP hired Ayani again to research, design and develop a BDS and TVET support program with enterprise development support in 10 districts in Sierra Leone. The project sought to create opportunities for decent jobs and secure livelihoods, among other objectives. Ayani undertook a market assessment to identify enterprise development support needs of SMEs. Ayani then recommended a set of support activities—from boosting access to finance for target groups such as youth interested in starting new enterprises to building SME capacity; to technical training in priority sub-sectors, a blended on and off-site mentoring/coaching module, business start-up tools, an e-learning tool and coaching partnership, and templates for simple but effective business planning.

Financial risk management & tools management in Senegal

An onsite Ayani advisor assisted one of the largest low income financial service providers in Senegal to beef up its financial risk management. A first and major step of the consultancy was an in-depth diagnostic undertaken to assess the existing risk management organization, procedures, practices, tools, templates, training and effectiveness. Based on the findings of the due diligence, improvements were recommended and accepted to the ALM framework, including liquidity contingency plans to manage structural liquidity gaps. Furthermore, the consultancy introduced financial risk management tools and a treasury management function.

The project equipped the institution with improved reporting, dashboards, modeling and simulation capacity. Ayani also provided a local consultant as co-trainer during the various training sessions.

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