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Ayani possède une expérience considérable dans la conduite d'études dans des domaines variés du secteur financier inclusif.

Ayani a réalisé des dizaines d’évaluations sectorielles, d’études de marché, d’évaluations de projet à mi-parcours et à terme, en utilisant une variété d’outils et d’approches pour:

- Identifier les opportunités d'affaires et leur impact

- Évaluer les lacunes et les risques du marché

- Identifier les points forts de la performance du projet

- Identifier les domaines et les approches à améliorer


Les services que le cabinet propose dans ce domaine d'expertise sont les suivants:

- L'étude de marché qualitative au niveau du client

- Le diagnostic institutionnel

- Le diagnostic sectoriel et multi-pays

- L'évaluation des questions de genre

- L'évaluation de programmes et de projets

- L'enquête quantitative à grande échelle


Pour en savoir plus sur le travail d'Ayani dans ce domaine:

CGAP mid-term evaluation

CGAP commissioned Ayani to undertake an evaluation focused on four areas:

  • CGAP’s external and internal contexts;
  • Relevance;effectiveness; and
  • CGAP management and governance.

The evaluation aimed to:

  • Evaluate CGAP’s performance to date in relation to its strategy and priority objectives; and
  • Identify areas for improvement based on CGAP’s comparative advantage in a rapidly evolving financial inclusion landscape.

Special attention was paid to evaluating CGAP’s partnership model. More than 160 individuals were consulted for the evaluation. Data were collected through focus group discussions, an electronic survey of CGAP’s 33 members, as well as through individual and small group interviews that were held in person or via telephone/Skype.

To read more about this evaluation:

Evaluation of agricultural finance credit line in Central America

OeEB provided a long-term credit line to Latin American Agribusiness Development Corporation (LAAD) a regional financial institution in Central America specialized in agricultural lending, so that LAAD could fund SME agribusinesses in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. AYANI’s evaluation examined financial institution operations and processes, analyzed the refinancing structure and the needs, reviewed the borrower selection process, implementation of the environmental and social management system including screening regarding compliance with the exclusion list, and provided detailed recommendations. Furthermore, the evaluation team assessed the utilization of the OeEB credit line and financed SMEs including their size, sustainability and their activities financed, financing conditions and the development effects and outcomes at client level.

To read more about this evaluation:

Analysis of credit lines and guarantee facilities in Mozambique

A study undertaken by Ayani informed a range of stakeholders in Mozambique’s financial sector on models of MSME credit lines and guarantee funds that worked and why.

By 2015, economic activities in Mozambique had intensified, along with the role that MSMEs were beginning to play. This 2015 study updated and deepened the analysis of the earlier Credit Lines 2013 study. Ayani was able to identify and analyse 24 active facilities totaling $280 million as of June 2015 composed of $216 million in 16 credit line facilities and $65 million in 8 guarantee facilities.

To read more about this analysis:

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