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Fort d'une solide réputation en matière de formation et de renforcement des compétences, Ayani s'engage à renforcer les capacités locales.

Depuis plus d'une décennie, Ayani v ise à:

- Concevoir et animer des formations techniques et des formations de formateurs auprès de fournisseurs de services financiers

- Fournir un encadrement technique aux directeurs de fonds d'investissement et d'institutions financières

- Renforcer les compétences des organisations locales pour mieux servir les très petites, petites et moyennes entreprises (TPME)


Ayani met en avant la collaboration avec les partenaires locaux pour concevoir, gérer et suivre les recommandations fournies, avec pour objectif d'en assurer, au niveau local, la pertinence, la faisabilité, l'adhésion, l'assimilation, l'impact et la viabilité à long terme.

Nous offrons un appui à nos clients dans le cadre de:

- L'évaluation de leurs besoins en formation

- La conception des programmes de formation

- L'animation des formations

- Le coaching et le mentorat sur le terrain

- Le détachement d'un conseiller technique résident

- Le transfert de compétences et de savoir-faire

- L'éducation financière

- La gestion financière et d'entreprise pour les PME


Pour en savoir plus sur le travail d'Ayani dans ce domaine:

Change management in Zimbabwe

Untu Capital received funding for technical assistance with a view to:

  • Performing an institutional appraisal, including but not limited to operations, organizational structure, products, controls, strategy and business planning, human resource management and change management;
  • Reviewing the organizational structure with senior management and the determination of required changes designed to meet present and planned needs in line with the outcome of the appraisal.

After just three months on-site PaR was already decreasing thanks to the firm’s ability to convince senior management and board of a change in operations. The technical assistance also proved effective in turning the corner from monthly loss making to monthly profits shortly after completion of the assignment.

Resident advisor & major bank turnaround in Mozambique

Ayani seconds a management team and technical advisors to bring SOCREMO, a microfinance-oriented bank, to profitability, grow and attract additional investors.

Ayani successfully restructured the bank and by 2013, it was considered one of the top 100 companies in Mozambique. Today, new investors have been brought in, and SOCREMO is the largest provider of loans to the informal sector. Ayani continues to second the CEO, provides support to the Board and serves as Secretary. With Ayani’s intervention, the Bank was turned around from a loss making institution to a sustainable and profitable bank and one of the most efficient banks in Mozambique.

Institutional development training and business plan development for credit cooperatives in Myanmar

Ayani, in partnership with the Association of Asian Confederation of Credit Unions (ACCU) and the Central Cooperative Society Ltd. (CCS) prepared a business plan and capacity building workshops for local savings and credit cooperatives. This included the set-up of proper governing structures, product and procedure development, system and process development, accounting, organization and human resource management and development, marketing, business planning. It also includes advocacy at macro-level to highlight the importance of savings in empowerment, not just credit given the savings culture was rather underdeveloped in the country.

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